The Chimipaletank is a tank specifically designed for the storage of chemicals, equipped with a palletisable frame that can be forklifted from all four sides. This design makes it ideal for the safe transport and handling of chemicals within industrial environments.


  • Palletisable frame: Designed to be forklifted from all four sides, facilitating lifting and transport with forklift trucks and other handling equipment.
  • Robust Construction: Made of durable materials to ensure safety during storage and transport of chemicals.
  • Compatibility with Activated Carbon: Designed for use with activated carbon, offering an effective solution for the treatment and purification of chemical liquids.
  • Versatile design: The Chimipaletank is suitable for a variety of chemical applications, making it an essential item for companies that handle hazardous materials and require safe and efficient storage solutions.


  • Ease of Handling: The 4-sided forklift design allows for easy and safe handling, optimising logistical processes and reducing transport time.
  • Safety: Built with high-quality materials, it ensures maximum safety during storage and transport of chemicals.
  • Operational Efficiency: Compatibility with activated carbon and other chemicals increases its versatility, making it ideal for various industrial applications
  • Durability: The robust construction ensures a long tank life, even under intensive use.

The Chimipaletank is perfect for companies needing safe and easy-to-handle storage for chemicals. Its activated carbon compatibility and robust, versatile design make it an ideal solution for multiple chemical applications, improving the efficiency and safety of industrial operations.

Disponibilidade: Somente sob pedido
Porta de inspeção: Modelo sob pedido
Válvulas: Ø e modelo sob pedido
Porta: Modelo sob pedido
Tipologia: Fechada
  • movimento
  • armazenar
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